Power Over Wealth: Why Money Alone Does Not Bring Success

Genghis Khan

The story of Temujin is a story of survival, resilience, and the pursuit of power. Born into a wealthy family in Mongolia, Temujin had a comfortable upbringing, at least by Mongolian standards. But when he was just a teenager, his world was turned upside down. His father was murdered by Turkic tribesmen, and his family was abandoned and left to die in the harsh Mongolian winter. It was a death sentence. But somehow, they managed to survive, barely. It was a harsh and brutal childhood.

Temujin learned a valuable lesson from this experience: although his father was a powerful and wealthy man, his wealth proved to be of no use after he died. It was casually stolen away. This taught him that power can make you wealthy, but wealth can’t buy you power. When you are powerful, wealth can buy you more power, but when you have no power, wealth can’t protect you from those who have it. Power trumps wealth every time. This was a lesson he never forgot.

For the rest of his life, Temujin sought only one thing: power. He disdained wealth, using it nothing more than a tool. He understood that peace can only be accomplished through strength. And so he pursued power with a single-minded determination, using every means at his disposal to achieve it.

But who was this mysterious figure known as Temujin? You may be surprised to learn that Temujin is none other than Genghis Khan, the famous Mongolian ruler and conqueror. Khan’s pursuit of power and his disregard for wealth were key to his success, making him one of the most powerful and influential figures in history.


You know the saying, “money can’t buy you happiness?” Well, it’s true. The problem is, most people don’t realize this until it’s too late. They chase after money and wealth like there’s no tomorrow, only to find out that these things can’t buy them what they really want in life.

What is it that they want? Power. Power over others, power over their lives, power over their destinies. And while money can give you some semblance of power, it can never truly bring you the level of success and happiness you’re looking for.

In this article, we’ll explore the relationship between power and wealth, and why power always trumps wealth in the end.

What Is Power and Why Does It Matter?

What is power? Webster’s Dictionary defines it as “the ability to do or act; the ability to get things done.” This is a good place to start, but it’s not enough. To truly understand power, we need to look at it from a broader perspective.

Power is more than just the ability to do or act. It’s the ability to make things happen, to influence others and get them to do what you want. It’s the ability to protect yourself and your interests, and to get what you want, no matter what.

This is why power matters. It’s the key to getting what you want in life, whether it’s wealth, success or simply happiness and satisfaction. And it’s something that can be yours, regardless of your station in life.

Understanding the Difference Between Money and Power

The thing about power is that it’s a lot more than just having a lot of money. In fact, money can actually buy you less power the more money you have.

Take a look at the people in power. They’re not always the richest people in the room, but they’re always the most influential. Why is that? It’s because they’ve got something far more valuable than wealth: they’ve got power.

Wealth can’t protect you from those who have power, and it certainly can’t buy you any influence. In fact, if you’re not careful, wealth can actually make you a target for those who are looking to take advantage of someone with less power than themselves.

But if you have power, wealth can buy you more of it. You can use your wealth to gain more influence and protect yourself from those who would do you harm. Power trumps wealth every time.

What Does It Mean to Be ‘Rich’?

What does it mean to be rich? Riches can come in all shapes and sizes, and for many people, wealth doesn’t always equate to power. But for the most part, when we think of the word “rich,” we think of people who have a lot of money.

And while money is a key ingredient to being rich, it’s not the only one. Power is a critical factor, too. Money can buy you power, but it can’t buy you power over those who have it. Only power can do that.

This is an important distinction to make. Because while many people think that having money will make them successful, that’s not always the case. You can be wealthy and still have little or no power. And you can be powerful without being wealthy at all.

So what does it take to be truly rich? It takes a combination of money and power—and knowing which one is more important in any given situation.

How Do Wealth and Power Interact?

So, how do wealth and power interact? Well, simply put, wealth amplifies power rather than being a stand-alone source of it. For example, if you have no power initially then wealth can’t buy you more. But if you already have some level of power—like influence or skills—then money can be used to build on that power.

Take Elon Musk, for example. He had the skills to create a revolutionary way of thinking and then used his money to launch multiple companies that created products based on his ideas. His wealth allowed him to take risks others couldn’t—such as the launch of SpaceX—which eventually turned him into one of the most powerful figures in the world.

In other words, without his existing influencing skills, his money would have been wasted; but with them in place, it was amplified into something even more powerful. This is why it’s important to remember that when it comes down to it: power trumps wealth every time.

How Can One Gain Power Without Wealth?

You don’t have to be born wealthy to gain power. You just need to be strategic. Gaining power without wealth can seem intimidating and complicated, but it is possible.

One of the best ways to gain power without wealth is to become an expert in a certain field. Develop your knowledge and skill by reading books and taking courses on the topic, so experts in that area recognize you as an authority. This gives you credibility, which can open doors for you and give you access to influence others.

Another way of gaining power without wealth is through networking with influential people who can help elevate your status or provide opportunities for you among their contacts or followers. It’s important to reach out with specific requests and avoid being overly self-promotional when making connections.

Developing relationships takes time, but it’s worth the effort if it means achieving your goals in the long run. Networking with powerful people will give you the boost you need to start building influence and ultimately, power.

How Can Money Bring More Power?

You may be wondering what it means to have power over wealth. Simply put, it means that power always comes before wealth. In other words, you must have power first and then use that power to acquire wealth. To put it another way, money alone won’t bring you success; power will.

Now, this doesn’t mean that money doesn’t have a role when it comes to attaining more power. On the contrary, money can be used to bolster existing power and increase influence. Money can buy things like lobbyists, lawyers and advisors who can help shape policy, influence decisions or secure connections with powerful people.

So while it’s true that you can’t simply buy your way into power without some effort on your part, money can definitely supplement existing power and bring more of it your way if you use it wisely. However, when you start out with no power of your own, money won’t be able to protect you from those who do have it. And that’s why power trumps wealth every time.

Are There Any Disadvantages to Having Too Much Power?

It’s easy to think that having more power is always better, but as with many things in life, too much of a good thing can be a bad thing. When you have too much power and influence, it can lead to complacency and a false sense of security. You may begin to feel untouchable and that any consequences are beneath you.

Of course, the other side of the coin is corruption. Having too much power can lead to abuse and misuse, which can have serious consequences on all levels. The risk of getting in too deep increases exponentially when you think that you are above the rules or don’t need to follow them.

At the end of the day, it’s important to remember that money alone does not bring success. Power is far more valuable—and dangerous—than wealth could ever be.

The Bottom Line: Why Knowing Which One Trumps the Other Is Essential

So, what’s the bottom line? Knowing which one trumps the other is essential. A powerful person will have more options and flexibility than someone who is wealthy. They will be able to influence decisions and shape outcomes. They will have influence over many areas of their life that mere wealth cannot grant them.

Money might help if you want to buy a nice car or a fancy house, but it won’t be enough to get you into a position of power. It’s important to remember that power often takes time, dedication, and hard work—and money alone won’t get you there. It can provide motivation, but it’s not the only factor in achieving success.

At the end of the day, it’s about understanding that money can buy you things, but it won’t make you powerful—if anything, it could even make you more vulnerable in some cases as those who have power can more easily control those with lots of money. Knowing which one trumps the other is essential in order to achieve success—power over wealth!


It is clear that while wealth and financial success can provide many benefits and opportunities, they do not guarantee personal or professional success. Factors such as hard work, determination, talent, and interpersonal skills all play a role in achieving success in life.

Additionally, having power and influence can also contribute to success, but it is important to recognize that these qualities are not solely determined by one’s financial status. Ultimately, it is a combination of multiple factors that determines a person’s success, and the pursuit of wealth should not be the only driving force in one’s life.